Go Golf Arizona, Southern Arizona News, Uncategorized
The two University of Arizona golf programs reached the midpoint of the season, and both probably wish they could keep right on playing through the break. Both teams are in a better position now than they were at this time last year. The college golf season is a long...
Go Golf Arizona, Uncategorized
– Guest contribution by Ken Cook (www.howtowho.com) Confession right up front – I’m a golfer. I’ve played for over 35 years and last year I broke 80 for the first time. I did it only once, but it’s enough to ensure I’ll be back for years to come. I tell you...
Courses & Travel, Go Golf Arizona, Southern Arizona News, Uncategorized
Playing a round of golf does not have to entail getting up early during the weekend, and staggering home in the late afternoon…a $100 lighter in your wallet and exasperated from waiting on each shot. There are a number of courses in Tucson where you can still have a...